
Only Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organizations with Tax Number can register to the Smart City Ecosystem with the role of Firms.

If the registered private sector organization is a Start-Up, "Are you a Star-Up?" They must answer yes to the question. In time, content categorized according to company scales will be developed within the platform and various activities can be carried out according to the scale.

Firms in the Smart City Ecosystem;

  • Introduction: Activities carried out or planned to be carried out, information about the smart city component that is studied or planned to be studied, and sector information,
  • Product Information: Explanations and visuals of the information about the developed products,
  • Application Information: The presentation, visual and explanation information of the application that is realized or planned to be realized,
  • Project Information: Planned, implemented or completed project information,
  • Solution Information: Descriptions and visuals of implemented smart city solutions,
  • Publication Information: Information about the academic articles he has prepared,
  • Mission and Service Information: Mission and service information,
  • Events: Will be able to share information about planned events.

All “Intellectual and Industrial Rights” or the responsibility for the Product, Application, Project, Solution and Publication information belong to the organization that uploaded the relevant content.