New Traffic Management Technology in Smart İntersections

Seyitali ilyas

Seyitali ilyas


Advanced Infrastructure Transformation

Smart City Components

Smart Transportation

Publish Date


Place of Publication

Conference: International Innovation Management and TRIZ ConferenceAt: Baku, Azerbaijan

Publication About

Difficulties in efficiently and sustainably distributing traffic arise with increased acceleration in metropolitan cities. To overcome transportation challenges and improve traffic flow, the transportation sector is heavily investing in new technologies. The development of new technologies in transportation has brought solutions based on signal timing and phase plan optimization to intersections controlled by signaling systems. However, in some traffic volume scenarios, the developed methods may be ineffective and therefore, it is necessary to update and operate new models accordingly. In this study, a new fully adaptable traffic management strategy has been implemented for smart intersections. This method has been tested with real traffic data obtained from a smart intersection located in Antalya, a city with heavy traffic flow due to its attraction to domestic and foreign tourists in Turkey. Smart intersection arms trigger magnetic sensors to optimize signal duration and phase plan according to incoming traffic demands. In order to evaluate this approach, the SUMO Turkey Adaptation (Urban Mobility Analysis System) package program developed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change - General Directorate of Geographic Information Systems under the 2020-2023 National Smart City Strategy and Action Plan was used. The proposed method was analyzed on the original model designed in the simulation program and compared with the existing methods in terms of transportation parameters. It was observed that it provides more successful results than the existing methods, and the system performance significantly increases, especially in scenarios where left turns are reduced.